R&D: Technical-Sales Department
“Our hallmark: the personalisation and speed of our service”
Training our technical and sales staff is of the utmost importance.
We have expert sales and technical staff and our own chemical laboratory equipped with the necessary instruments and material to conduct research into new products.
Our sales technicians attach priority to working with a “customer focus”:
- We detect the needs and priorities of our clients
- We seek the best option to ensure their satisfaction
- We attach value to the benefits obtained (cost reduction, increase in revenues, organisational improvements…)
We have specific laboratories for colour, research and development and quality control, with a young and well-trained technical team.
The mission of QUIMOVIL’s R&D laboratory is to constantly adapt to the different request and needs of our customers by cooperating with them in optimising their processes and in designing, adapting and developing our products and new market technologies.
In the Colour Laboratory, we adapt each formula to the specific needs of the client, conducting reformulation studies to improve efficiency and costs, preparing colorimetric databases adapted to the real substrates of our clients and offering advice on recycling waste ink.
Our sales technicians impart the training that our clients need, through “In company seminars” or on our premises, advising and training them in aspects such as colorimetry, optimisation of printing processes and advice from the environmental and safety standpoint regarding inks in their use on containers, among others.